Let's talk LinkedIn.
Everyone, no matter what stage you are in your career, needs a robust LinkedIn profile. I can almost guarantee that potential employers and recruiters will look you up on LinkedIn to try to learn more about you. At the very least they want to see how you present yourself (profile photo, About me statement, etc.).
Your bio is one of the most important sections of your LinkedIn profile. It provides the opportunity to explain where you are now and where you're going. This is NOT the section to summarize all the details of your work history and background. Instead, this is where you sell yourself to potential employers or clients.
A successful bio answers the following questions:
What do you do and what can you do for me (potential employer)?
Why should I hire you and not someone else?
Why would I be willing to pay for your expertise?
How you format your bio and the words you choose have everything to do with how effective it is at opening doors and sourcing big opportunities.
Think of your bio as your #1 sales tool.
